Friday, August 1, 2008


I hate rain... I'm getting so annoyed at it right now... It's like, it's been raining for almost 4 weeks now... Rain + rain + rain = NO RUGBY!!! Wat's wrong with you, rain??? You're depriving me of rugby!!! That's like the 4th week I hvn't been able to play rugby... And now my game against an English side has been cancelled... Enjoy your laughter while you can Rain, cause I'm gonna get my revenge... Muahahaha

Well, it's either that, or rugby players in reality are just a bunch of sissies who can't play in the rain, cause they're afraid of getting themselves muddy...

Or, the city council are afraid that their precious field is gonna get demolish, so they close the grounds...

I mean, sheesh.... It's just rugby...

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