It's just one of my PlayStation manias... Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core... Psp game... Not that I have one, borrowed my friends just to play with it... I tell you, the game rocks... Awesome graphics and storyline... It starts off with a guy name Zack who always wanted to be a hero and protect his honour at the same time... The company he works for wants to bring down Genesis, one of their failed projects, who somehow mutated... But when his mentor undergoes the same mutation, he seeks to rescue both of them, BUT, the big but, the company he works for are suddenly hunting him down as well, so not only has he got to save both friends, he's got to run away as well... And like all Final Fantasy games, there has to be a love story slotted in somewhere, Zack found the love of his life, promise to return to her, and runs off to try and save his friends... However, I'm not sure if he did manage to save them, the ending cut scene was a bit weird, but he died while trying to run away from the company's soldiers (yeah, the company makes the soldiers)... So, sad ending, but his legacy was carried down by a guy called Cloud. Thus the beginning of the original Final Fantasy game... Sigh... It's been a while since i started playing it and I only just recently finished it... So my storyline may appear wonky or far from being correct but i reckon it's close enough... at least it's the most summarised storyline i can think of... Haha... Oh well
Oooh, Clockwise from left: Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth and Aerith
Mutated Genesis
Angeal, Sephiroth, Genesis: Three best friends

Oooh, Clockwise from left: Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth and Aerith

Mutated Genesis

Angeal, Sephiroth, Genesis: Three best friends
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