Term 2 is over and a week of holidays has passed. I think time seems to be going by quite slowly as i'm feeling rather bored at home already... Sigh, I've also got to work on my Physics project as well so I'm like "ARGH, more work" as if i haven't been working hard before the holidays. I had like 2 exams on thursday: Biology, Chemistry and Physics, pretty hardcore right? It was probably the hardest i've ever studied this year i think. Come to think of it, I haven't been studying as hard as i would have if I had been in Malaysia, kinda weird but oh well... And the All Black beat the Springboks last week in rugby... Woohoo... I'm glad... Oh and btw, there's this rugby player by the name of Joe Rokocoko, and it's pronounced Ro-ko-tho-ko, it's like, how on earth did a c turn into a th? pretty weird eh? Ahaha... pretty good player though, too bad he's injured, sigh...
There he is... :P
And a brief illustrations of how asian rugby dudes look compared to whopping westerners

There he is... :P
And a brief illustrations of how asian rugby dudes look compared to whopping westerners
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