Labour weekend hits and my uncle's family decided to make a trip to Murchison which is a bit north of Christchurch and located on the west coast... Anyway, that was where my uncle's brother lives, on a farm-like area, with lots of hills and and a large field where livestock graze upon... Anyway, we left on the 24th of October, at 5.30 pm, to Murchison... It was a really long trip and when I mean long, it was really really long... Imagine sitting in between two young girls (which are my cousins) reaching across you and playing peekaboo with this monster of a boy in between... It was a laugh... But that didn't last long, and soon, questions like "Are we there yet?", or "How much longer, dad?" soon began popping up every 5 minutes... Haha... Oh well, we soon reached the farm where my uncle's bro was staying at like 10pm that night... And it was dark, really dark, pitch black in fact and the only light that guided us was a torchlight held by our host who came out to greet us... We were pretty tired by then so we set up camp and decided to head to bed early, though not before a meal of sausages fried in Tuimato sauce... Hmmm... That was unbelievably nice... Haha... But the shocking thing was that I found out I would be sleeping in the same room as the daughter of my uncle's brother (which is my cousin's cousin), not on the same bed mind you, but it was really uncomfortable... The little bro was there as well and I slept with my back to her so that was alright :)
Second day, 25th October
Woke up early, sneaked out before the girl woke up, washed up and just became a vegetable, sat in front of the TV, watching whatever was on... Then the brother of the girl woke up, and decided to let me have a go at taking pot shots at a target... And me, who has never shot a gun in his entire 17 years and 10 months of his life, had a go at 3 different guns : A 44 magnum, a 427, and a shotgun... Haha... It was pretty cool... I enjoyed every moment of it... I could feel the power I held in my hands, and the temporary deafness I obtained after a shot went off... It was loud... Anyway... After that, we went to kill a sheep... Oh yes we did... And I have pictures to prove it... And I had the honour of ripping its head off... Sounds pretty gory ae? But hey, by eating meat, we encourage the killing of animals... So, I don't think I was doing anything wrong... Just surviving... So that took a while, the killing... And we spent the rest of the day lazing around, watching a movie and just bumming around until dinner... The meals there are terrific... For the first night we had a beef stew which was just delicious... Haha... We stayed up a bit longer, and then decided to go to bed... But blast it all, the younger brother decided to sleep in the lounge that night with his grandma who came to visit that weekend... So it was just the two of us in the room... Hmm... Interesting... Haha...
Third day, 26th October
Went down to Nelson (an hours drive from Murchison), and spent the whole day visiting my uncle's family... His grandparents, his sister, his mom, and his other brother... Oh, and we visited the college he went to when he was young... Kinda hard to imagine an adult once being young... it just doesn't seem right somehow... Haha... So that was all we did... Went to the beach, kicked the footy around, had tea, and headed back to Murchison for dinner which happened to be a pork roast!!! Yum... Haha... That was like one of the nicest meal I had since I've been in NZ... I seriously pigged out then... But then, I pig out quite a lot during meal times... Maybe its because the meals are just so nice... So then we ate, chit chat, and went to bed... Oh, I had a bit of vodka that day too... But shhhh, don't tell anybody...
Fourth Day, 27th of October
Woke up early and went pig hunting!!! Woohoo... 5 of us went : Me, my uncle, my uncle's bro, his daughter, and her younger brother... It was great fun, though it didn't last long because the dogs went off and chased a goat off a cliff (which broke its neck and died), my uncle's bro reckons that whatever pig that may have been on the hills were probably scared off by the barks now... So we head back down... But, we got lost... Haha... So we made a new trail for ourselves... I tell you, the hills here don't have a proper path to which you follow, we had to hack our way through... grabbing branches for support and slipping once in a while... But the view from the top was really cool... Didn't have pictures though cause a camera would be a burden in these hills... Haha... So when we finally made it back, we went off to the farmers market where things were so cheap!!! The only regret I had was that I didn't have enough money to but stuff... Haha... Oh well, never mind... After that, we headed back, watched cloverfield, laze around, had the cat digging all his 16-20 claws into my leg as it sat on me waiting for me to stroke it... Haha... And we had a BBQ for dinner that night!!! And it was great, so much food and not enough stomach space to finish it all... Sigh... I stuffed myself silly that night... Haha... Oh well...
Last day, 28th October
Packed up, went back home... Not much to say really... Haha...
So anyway, there was a list of firsts that holidays :
1. First time i went to the west coast of NZ
2. First time I slept in the same room with another teenage girl
3. First time I drank vodka
4. First time I shot a gun
5. First time I killed something living, besides insects
6.First time I went pig hunting
7. First time I held a heart in my hands (it was so warm)
8.First time I went to stay on a farm
Lol... That pretty much summed up my holiday... And now for some pictures :)
Trying to rip the head off...

Uncle, let me have a go at it please...
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