Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Before and After
Monday, December 29, 2008

Its like really short to what I had in mind but this is what I think would look pretty cool... So I might get something like this... Or if not, Jay Manuel's hairstyle... Wooo... I think he has a pretty awesome hairstyle... Haha... I wouldn't mind something like this...

But to do these requires a jelly like substance known as gel... Haha... Never used it before... So this is going to be interesting... Haha... I apologise to those who would prefer me to have long hair... And I bet some of you are rejoicing... *Ahem**Calvin*... But yeah, work comes first and if I have to cut it... I will...
Fa La La La La La La La La...
And it sorta look like this...
Woooo... Unfortunately, I gave all but two away before I could take pictures of it... So yeah... Haha... I only took one, but you get the idea... I used wire to make some other names... Names which were too long to make with toothpicks... It wouldn't fit on the card... :P
So anyway, after the Christmas production which went rather well (considering there were a few mistakes in the last practice), but I was quite pleased with the way everything turned out... Everyone did pretty good... Especially Ben Kane and Jeremy... Yeah... And I'll always remember baboons expressing aggressive behaviour... Woo... Hahaha...
After the service, gave away the cards... Got a really nice muffin from HEIDY... Thank you so much... It was really nice... Could I have the recipe for it? Hahaha... It was so good... I want more... More cards.... And yeah... That was it...
In the afternoon, went to my cousin's place for a Christmas lunch... Had like two plates of ham and turkey and chicken and salads and corn.... Hahaha... Then, we had some kind of search for your presents kind of thing... I was at a disadvantage, I had no idea what the layout of the house was... It was like my first time there compared to the others who had been there many times... So I had help... :) Well, I found it, and guess what I got? An electrical shaver!!! Woo... Now I don't have to worry about cutting myself when I shave... Haha...
Well, got back from that... Had a snooze... And boy, did I sleep... Slept for ages... Woke up and Christmas was over... It was now my sister's birthday... So yeah, Happy Birthday Jessica... You're now 14...

Guess you're legal now... Hahaha...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tagged by Lim Gene-Harn
1.What's your most favourite colour?
PINK!!! Need I say more?
2. What is the most important to you?
My faith in God.
3. What would your ideal boy/firlfriend be like?
Would be like my imaginary one... Hahaha...
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
No, not when it comes to moving to a new country with new niches...
5. How many babies you want?
Oh, I'll get around to that if I ever get married...
6. Do you believe in seeing a rainbow after the rain?
Yes!!! Of course, Science has shown that rainbows are formed when light passes through the damp air, creating a spectrum which results in 7 colours from the visible spectrum.... Thus, I believe in rainbows after a rainy day...
7. What is your goal for this year?
2008- To make use of whatever time I have left
2009- To do well to qualify for a pharmacy course
8. Do you believe in eternity love?
Yes... I'm a Christian... Why wouldn't I?
9. Who are your best friends?
Best friends? So I can list a few? Then it'd be Wan Li, Cheri, Grace, Heidy, Jaclyn, I suppose Gene Harn counts... Hahaha...
10.What are you really afraid of?
Real shaky ladders...
11.What is your bad habit?
Pulling out facial hair when I'm thinking...
12. What's your opinion with Distance relationship?
Erm... I don't know... Won't know until I try it out myself...
13. Do you cherish every single friendship of yours?
I try to.... My very best...
14. What does flying means to you?
Ear aches...
15. What do you crave for the most currently?
The ability to play the piano properly...
16. Single or in a relationship?
Single... Duh... No reason for me to get into a relationship yet...
17. What is your favourite movie currently?
The Corpse Bride by Tim Burton
18.What have you done to yourself make yourself happy?
Played the piano...
19. The top 5 priority in your life, arrange accordingly
God, Studies, Rugby, Chores, and piano...
20.Are you in love?
With anyone? I should hope not... Haha... At least, I don't think so...
instructions: Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make a total of 20 questions and tag 5 people. List them out at the end of the post.Notify them in their cbox that they've been tagged.
I tag!
3.Tian Xi
5.Joyce hwang...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
CF Christmas Party 08
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Week 1:
Went to church to 'help' set up PA equipment
Did nothing... was bored silly...
Went to Grace Chow's place to catch up
Went out with ex classmates to nick's and OU...
Went to PC fair at KLCC... Should have seen Tabitha there... But I didn't... We were there at the same time... Haha... It was cool... Got a new anti shock external hard disk drive for my laptop...
Went to church... Had my first practice for the Christmas production...
Didn't do anything... (I think)... Might be taking break from going out...
Went out to play badminton with May Kuan... Then went off to church for another practice of the Christmas production...
Went to church to help out at the Impact makeover... Then went to Andrea's to overlook the CF Afternoon Session's drama...
Went to the Curve to look for a job (which was a failure)... Then went to Grace park to meet up with more classmates...
Went to church again to help again at the Impact makeover... Then went to CF Chritmas party (will blog about that later)...
Went to church AGAIN!!! At 9am onwards to finish off Impact makeover... I must say the room looks nice and brown now... Or as Kerry says, painting according to the Christmas season, yeah we're painting the room the colour of the branches of the christmas tree... Haha... Had AV practice for service the next day... Then, helped out at the music workshop...
Went to church... And had a practice for the Christmas production as well...
Well, I think that week was pretty tiring on my mentality... haha... Oh well, looking forward to this week, don't think I might be doing anything much except Christmas... Weeeee... Oh well...
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My 10 Hour Flight Ordeal
Friday, December 5, 2008
Ghost Town

What did I do today? I watched 'Ghost Town'... And I've gotta say it's a brilliant movie to watch if you enjoy a spot of british humour... I tell you, Ricky Gervais is really really good... The movie reminds me of Ghost Whisperer... The one which Jennifer Love Hewitt stars in (which was in fact one of my favourite TV shows)... Thus, I quite enjoyed it... And being a weekday, there were only 9 people in the whole cinema hall... That was awesome... I went with 2 other friends and I gotta say we had a blast... Well, I did anyway, not sure about the other 2... Haha... But it was great fun... Sneaking in sushi, putting your legs on the chair in front of you... Lol... Good times...
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Wedding Song...

I have decided what my wedding song would be... If I ever have one... Anyone seen The Corpse Bride by Tim Burton? Its my new found fab... Haha... Yeah... I wanna use his wedding song which was played when the bride began walking down the stairs before going up to the land of the living to get married... The part goes like:
Oooohhhh... The bride is here
She's waited for this day for many a year
For this day, for this day
Our hopes and our pride
The bride is here
Here comes the bride (x3)
For this day, for this day will last forever
And all of her friends will work together
To make it a perfect day she's always dreamt
Our hopes and our pride
Our bride, Our lovely bride
We're gonna have a party like nobody's ever seen
The living in the Land Above won't know where they have been
The Land above... (The Land Above)
The party of... (The party of)
Our bride
Here comes the bride
On her glorious day of days
Up to the Land of the Living to celebrate
It is quite a cool song and I enjoy the movie thoroughly... I see why you enjoy it now Cheri... And I thank you from the bottom of my heart for introducing it to me... Haha... I recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys a musical and an animation as well... As for me, I liked both... Therefore, it was a double kill... Haha... But yep... That's my wedding all planned out... Pretty simplistic really... haha...
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
For the first time in my life I...
Labour weekend hits and my uncle's family decided to make a trip to Murchison which is a bit north of Christchurch and located on the west coast... Anyway, that was where my uncle's brother lives, on a farm-like area, with lots of hills and and a large field where livestock graze upon... Anyway, we left on the 24th of October, at 5.30 pm, to Murchison... It was a really long trip and when I mean long, it was really really long... Imagine sitting in between two young girls (which are my cousins) reaching across you and playing peekaboo with this monster of a boy in between... It was a laugh... But that didn't last long, and soon, questions like "Are we there yet?", or "How much longer, dad?" soon began popping up every 5 minutes... Haha... Oh well, we soon reached the farm where my uncle's bro was staying at like 10pm that night... And it was dark, really dark, pitch black in fact and the only light that guided us was a torchlight held by our host who came out to greet us... We were pretty tired by then so we set up camp and decided to head to bed early, though not before a meal of sausages fried in Tuimato sauce... Hmmm... That was unbelievably nice... Haha... But the shocking thing was that I found out I would be sleeping in the same room as the daughter of my uncle's brother (which is my cousin's cousin), not on the same bed mind you, but it was really uncomfortable... The little bro was there as well and I slept with my back to her so that was alright :)
Second day, 25th October
Woke up early, sneaked out before the girl woke up, washed up and just became a vegetable, sat in front of the TV, watching whatever was on... Then the brother of the girl woke up, and decided to let me have a go at taking pot shots at a target... And me, who has never shot a gun in his entire 17 years and 10 months of his life, had a go at 3 different guns : A 44 magnum, a 427, and a shotgun... Haha... It was pretty cool... I enjoyed every moment of it... I could feel the power I held in my hands, and the temporary deafness I obtained after a shot went off... It was loud... Anyway... After that, we went to kill a sheep... Oh yes we did... And I have pictures to prove it... And I had the honour of ripping its head off... Sounds pretty gory ae? But hey, by eating meat, we encourage the killing of animals... So, I don't think I was doing anything wrong... Just surviving... So that took a while, the killing... And we spent the rest of the day lazing around, watching a movie and just bumming around until dinner... The meals there are terrific... For the first night we had a beef stew which was just delicious... Haha... We stayed up a bit longer, and then decided to go to bed... But blast it all, the younger brother decided to sleep in the lounge that night with his grandma who came to visit that weekend... So it was just the two of us in the room... Hmm... Interesting... Haha...
Third day, 26th October
Went down to Nelson (an hours drive from Murchison), and spent the whole day visiting my uncle's family... His grandparents, his sister, his mom, and his other brother... Oh, and we visited the college he went to when he was young... Kinda hard to imagine an adult once being young... it just doesn't seem right somehow... Haha... So that was all we did... Went to the beach, kicked the footy around, had tea, and headed back to Murchison for dinner which happened to be a pork roast!!! Yum... Haha... That was like one of the nicest meal I had since I've been in NZ... I seriously pigged out then... But then, I pig out quite a lot during meal times... Maybe its because the meals are just so nice... So then we ate, chit chat, and went to bed... Oh, I had a bit of vodka that day too... But shhhh, don't tell anybody...
Fourth Day, 27th of October
Woke up early and went pig hunting!!! Woohoo... 5 of us went : Me, my uncle, my uncle's bro, his daughter, and her younger brother... It was great fun, though it didn't last long because the dogs went off and chased a goat off a cliff (which broke its neck and died), my uncle's bro reckons that whatever pig that may have been on the hills were probably scared off by the barks now... So we head back down... But, we got lost... Haha... So we made a new trail for ourselves... I tell you, the hills here don't have a proper path to which you follow, we had to hack our way through... grabbing branches for support and slipping once in a while... But the view from the top was really cool... Didn't have pictures though cause a camera would be a burden in these hills... Haha... So when we finally made it back, we went off to the farmers market where things were so cheap!!! The only regret I had was that I didn't have enough money to but stuff... Haha... Oh well, never mind... After that, we headed back, watched cloverfield, laze around, had the cat digging all his 16-20 claws into my leg as it sat on me waiting for me to stroke it... Haha... And we had a BBQ for dinner that night!!! And it was great, so much food and not enough stomach space to finish it all... Sigh... I stuffed myself silly that night... Haha... Oh well...
Last day, 28th October
Packed up, went back home... Not much to say really... Haha...
So anyway, there was a list of firsts that holidays :
1. First time i went to the west coast of NZ
2. First time I slept in the same room with another teenage girl
3. First time I drank vodka
4. First time I shot a gun
5. First time I killed something living, besides insects
6.First time I went pig hunting
7. First time I held a heart in my hands (it was so warm)
8.First time I went to stay on a farm
Lol... That pretty much summed up my holiday... And now for some pictures :)

Monday, November 17, 2008
Why did the Chicken Cross the Road?
BARACK OBAMA: The chicken crossed the road because it was time for a change! The chicken wanted change!
JOHN MC CAIN: My friends that chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to engage in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.
HILLARY CLINTON: When I was First Lady, I personally helped that little chicken to cross the road. This experience makes me uniquely qualified to ensure right from Day One that every chicken in this country gets the chance it deserves to cross the road. But then, this really isn't about me.
GEORGE W. BUSH: We don't really care why the chicken crossed the road. We just want to know if the chicken is on our side of the road, or not. The chicken is either against us, or for us.
There is no middle ground here.
DICK CHENEY: Where's my gun?
COLIN POWELL: Now to the left of the screen, you can clearly see the satellite image of the chicken crossing the road.
BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken. What is your definition of chicken? What is your definition of "cross the road?"
AL GORE: I invented the chicken.
JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken's intentions. I am not for it now and
will remain against it.
AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white? We need some black chickens.
DR. PHIL: The problem we have here is that this chicken doesn't realize that he must first deal with the problem on this side of the road before it goes after the problem on the other side of the road. What we need to do is help him realize how stupid he's acting by not taking on his current problems before adding new problems.
OPRAH: Well, I understand that the chicken is having problems, which is why he wants to cross this road so bad. So instead of having the chicken learn from his mistakes and take falls,
which is a part of life, I'm going to give this chicken a car so that he can just drive across the road and not live his life like the rest of the chickens.
ANDERSON COOPER, CNN: We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed access to the other side of the road.
NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he's guilty! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks.
PAT BUCHANAN: To steal the job of a decent, hardworking American.
DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I've not been told.
ERNEST HEMINGWAY: To die in the rain, alone.
GRANDPA: In my day we didn't ask why the chicken crossed the road. Somebody told us the chicken crossed the road, and that was good enough.
ARISTOTLE: It is the nature of chickens to cross the road.
ALBERT EINSTEIN: Did the chicken really cross the road, or did the road move beneath the chicken?
COLONEL SANDERS: Did I miss one?
Lol... good times...
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Here are the humans before us:
1. Australopithecus Afarensis
Existed : 3.9 - 3.0 mya
Brain size: 375-550 cc
2. Australopithecus aficanus
Existed : 3.0-2.0 mya
Brain size : 420-500cc
3. Paranthropus boisei
Existed : 2.1-1.1 mya
Brain size : 500-545cc
4. Paranthropus robustus
Existed : 2.0-1.5 mya
Brain size : 530 cc
5. Homo habilis
Existed : 2.4-1.5mya
Brain size : 500-800cc
6. Homo Ergaster
Existed : 1.8-1.4 mya
Brain Size : 850-1000cc
7. Homo erectus
Existed : 1 mya - 300000 years ago
Brain size : 1000-1250cc
8. Homo heidelbergensis
Existed : 300000 - ? years ago
Brain size : 1100-1400cc
9. Homo neanderthalensis
Existed : 230000-28000 years ago
Brain size : 1450 cc
10. Homo Sapiens (that's us!)
Existed : from 160000 years ago till now
Brain size : 1350 cc
Noticed that the brains increased over time, this is due to the fact that they are bipedal... Thus resulting in the ability to perform manipulative actions with their free hands... This might cause the brain to increase... Haha...
Oh well... better get back to studying before I seriously decide I want to fail everything...
Friday, October 31, 2008
Chemistry :
Oxidation and Reduction : Merit
Thermochemistry : Merit
Aqueous Solutions : Excellence
Organic Chemistry : Merit
Biology :
Animal and Plant Behaviour : Merit
Gene Expression : Achieve
Evolution : Achieve
Physics :
Waves : Merit
Mechanical Systems : Achieve
Modern Physics : Excellence
Electrical System : Merit
Calculus : 92%
Statistics : 115 out of 150 (77%)
Overall, not too bad a haul of marks... A bit disappointed with biology because I was always one grade away from getting a higher mark... oh bugger... haha... I'm pretty awesome... Hehehe... Anyways, the national exams are coming up!!! In like 17 days!!! With biology as the first paper... I can hardly wait... Chemistry is the last paper on the 29th of November... And then home free!!! Woohoo... Can hardly wait... Planning to make a trip down to University of Otago to have a feel of the place before returning to Malaysia... So... I can't wait.... yeeeeeeee.......
Oh yeah... am gonna post on my trip to Murchison pretty soon... Just as soon as I get the pictures out of my uncle's camera... It was a pretty awesome trip... Hahaha...
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
You know, I don see why the male species can't or don't wear hairbands... I mean, what's wrong with it? After trying on my cousin's pink hairband (which goes very well with my pink shirt if I may say so myself), I decided it looks alright... Sort of gay-ishy, but it was alright... I think it's due to the fact that we relate these kind of things to GIRLS!!! Hairbands belong to girls, hairties and ribbons belong to girls as well... But then we grew up in a environment where our parents dressed us and we were tee totters... We didn't have a chance to dress ourselves or do up our hair. OUr parents had to do all of that and since girls hair are usually tidied up with hairties and hairbands and what nots... We grew up relating items by gender... Some items just happened to be unisex... When I wore the hairband, I noticed 2 things... Firstly, the hair is kept nice and tidy and pushed back in nice straight rows... Secondly, there is space for ventilation due to the tidied hair... Thus, it is able to cool down your head much quicker than leaving your hair as it is...

P.S. If you didn't get the "Your Acidity" joke at the beginning, think ethanoic acid...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
My Imaginary Girlfriend...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
As I Promised...
So at about 8pm, we left the house, with my uncle as the chauffuer, to the Hotel Grand Chancellor, where the ball was to be held, admittedly we got there a triffle bit early so we had to stand outside and wait for a while... Haha... Cold but oh well... Well, we were allowed to enter at 8.30pm n enter we did... Had our breath tested for alcohol levels (Yes, people do get seriously drunk here) n we entered the dining hall... Was quite surprised to see that the dance floor was so small... Expected it to be much bigger... So for the first hour or so, all we did was just sat and chit chat n watched some real pro dancers doing their stuff... It was awesome...
Anyway, some of us guys finally got the courage to got up and dance (not paired of course, more like the kind you would do at the club)... N dance we did... First song we danced to was YMCA n Mickey... haha... So cool... Though watching some of my friends dance was like watching the Dance of the Nerds... Kinds of puts an image into your head on what kind of ppl I mix with... Yes, I'm a nerd and I'm not afraid to be one...
Anyway, after a few dance beats, us guys decided to take a photograph together, as shown:
Looks kind of gay eh? All packed together like sardines... Ohoh.. Spot ethan...
So after that, we had a bit of food (a bit disappointing really, but you can't expect much for 45 bucks) and we went back to the dance floor!!! Weeee.... I have some pretty wicked moves now.. haha... Not surprisingly. the dance floor was jammed pack with people... I can't believe it... Almost every other minute I was stepping on some girl's toes... Ouch... Haha...

So yeah, that's basically all we did, ate, dance, rested, gave way to paired dancers halfway through, and then went back... Had a blast though... The ball was awesome... Btw, woke up the next day for church, and my ears hurted from the worship music... That's how bad I was feeling the next day... Really, really bad...
Sunday, September 28, 2008
To Those Who Don't Know...
Apparently, Cheri thinks my blog is all about rugby... Well guess wat, this one is too!!! haha... Poor, poor Cheri, I wonder how u survive reading my blog... Hehe... I can't believe this, NZ Warriors lost to Manly Sea Eagles by a whopping 26 points... I mean for crying out loud, this was the team that beat the top team 2 weeks ago... I am so not gonna support them nest year... Wat a waste, they just helped shorten my lifespan for about another 2 yrs... I'm so depressed I'm not gonna say anymore... Sigh...
Man U got back to their winning ways, with Cristiano again... providing the controversial penalty which led to United's first goal... I mean... haha... They only start winning wen Ronaldo is back? Lol... That's way too much pressure... I wonder wen the other players will start stepping up n be like ronaldo... Come on, fall over ppl... Oh oh, and the highlight of the week, Arsenal lost to newly promoted Hull City!!! How cool is that?
Ahhh, holidays hv started n i'm feeling reli relaxed... Cept the fact i've got exams straight after the holidays... Boo.... Haha... yeah... there goes the famous saying... 'awwwwwwwwwwwww woooooooopppppp' haha... man, i'm awesome... gunning for the excellence certificate so all the best to me...
And I swear, to those who follow this blog, that the very next post, it's gonna be the one on the school ball... so stay tune, i'm gonna hv pics n stuff so yeah... u guys can c me for the first time in many months... Woohoo...
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Altogether A Successful Weekend...
Well, the tri-nations are over, and the All Blacks once again came out on top... Haha... After edging the Wallabies (Australia) 28-24 in the competitions decider (Phew, close one!!!), they retained the Tri Nations trpphy as well as the Bedisloe Cup... Haha... But yeah, great game... Practically gave me anxiety attacks every 5 minutes... Great tries by Mils Muliaina, Dan Carter and Tony Woodcock... Haha... N not to forget tries by Ashley Cooper and the No.5 guy from the Wallabies... One thing I can say though, is that the All Blacks played much better in the 2nd half compared to the first half, the first half was just rubbish... Haha...
All Blacks doing the haka

Oh, and I'm actually doing well in school, if I may say so myself...
1. Six People to Tag.
Unfortunately not many ppl read this so whoever feels like doing this, go ahead...
2. Six Things I’m Passionate About
- Sleep (Obviously!!!)
- Eating (Duh!!!)
- Passing my exams with flying colours and beating the guy who sits behind me in stats class...
- Family (Who doesn't?)
- Listening to music, expecially instrumental ones.
- Playing the bass and the piano...
3. Six Things I Say Too Often
- erm...
- haha...
- cool...
- how's it going...
- hey...
- lol...
4. Six Books I’ve Read Recently
- The Bible
- 1001 Things Teens Should Know Before Leaving Home
- Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
- Dogstar
- Naruto
- Howl's Moving Castle
5. Six Songs I can Listen to Again and Again
- Waltz by Suneohair
- Kimi Wo Omou Melodi (Melody to Your Memory) from Shuffle!
- Viva La Vida by Coldplay
- When I'm Gone by Simple Plan
- I Believe in You by Il Divo
- Up is Down by Hans Zimmer
6. Six Things I Learnt in the Past Year
- Biology. That Evolution does indeed happen... I think...
- Chemistry. That pH values can actually be calculated
- Physics. Quantum physics rocks!!!
- Statistics. One of the most boring math subject ever...
- Calculus. That complex numbers is indeed very complex...
- That P is very bad for you... N i repeat, very BAD!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
My Sick Post
Been coughing controllably... Went to school though, diid my lessons as usual, n went home... This is assuming of course that i would be well the next day... But then, I had a weird dream that night, about pipes n tubes sticking out of my body like a chemistry lab... It was absolutely horrible and sickening... COuldn't sleep for a whole hour... what a waste...
Went to school again... Wrapped myself up real snug as i was still coughing away... Obviously I didn't sleep well the night before... So I was quite exhausted... nearly fell asleep in calculus class... Thank God that was my last period... Cycled home, n konked out... Woke up, Had dinner (not all of it, Unbelievable!!!) stay up till 9.30... n went to bed... Had another weird dream, about my body having to be treated in two different places at once, France and Atlanta, Georgia (weird eh?)
Stayed home from school... Coughs, sneezes, headaches, the lot... Had a pretty rough day, felt like i was constantly dehydrating... Didn't eat much that day, had lost my appetite, stayed at home n watch the telly n prayed that i could get better... Besides, we were actually allowed to play rugby that day... What a waste, i missed out again... We won though, so i'm happy... Went to bed at 8.30... N wud u believe it or not... I woke up in the middle of the night again... I'm getting rather annoyed at it...
Feeling a little bit better, got some nasal spray which helps to clear block noses n ears, so i've been pretty well, besides the fact that i'm still dehydrated... I could watch tv without having headaches... Watch Apocalypto... Some gory movie about native tribes killing each other... Yuck... Disgusting... Anyway, that's practically all i did, with a blanket, pillow, and a 3-seater sofa, i had the essentials to a sick man... Oh, I slept well that night... Only time i woke up was at 5... But that was 8 hours of sleep... Did went back to sleep after half an hour...
Am reli well today... well, well enough to use the computer anyway, the past few days all the computer has been giving me were headaches... manage to catch up with a few people... And i know i'm returning to normal cause i just beat Jaclyn in Minesweepers flag!!! Woohoo... 26-25...
reli very close... Good game Jac... Put my brain back in action, reli needed that...
Friday, August 1, 2008
Well, it's either that, or rugby players in reality are just a bunch of sissies who can't play in the rain, cause they're afraid of getting themselves muddy...
Or, the city council are afraid that their precious field is gonna get demolish, so they close the grounds...
I mean, sheesh.... It's just rugby...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Be Thankful...
Anyways, I am so thankful I've got good lunches to bring to school... it's like, 1 of my friends brought a nutbar, and some cereal packets to school!!! I mean, what kind of lunch is that? In the end, I had to sacrifice my chocolate cake cause i felt sorry for him... haha... Aren't I nice? haha... It was great though, sharing...
AND... It's my cousin's birthday tmr... And another cousin's birthday on monday... AND they're not having their birthdays together... neither are they having their parties on the same day... It's like... Emma's birthday is tmr... but her birthday party is on Friday... Sarah's birthday is next monday... But she's having a sleepover from saturday till sunday... Isn't it crazy? It's like a birthday marathon... so totally insane...
I'm so gonna be caked out by tuesday...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Tagged by Cheri
b) Tag 5 other people to do the same once you’ve finished answering every question.
1. The age you’ll be on your next birthday:
2. A place you’d like to travel to:
Italy... for the food...
Rugby pitch...
Steak... :)
5. Your favourite pet:
6. Your favourite colour combination:
7. Your favorite piece of clothing:
8. Your all-time favourite song:
I Believe in You by Il Divo and Celine Dion...The Amazing Race...
10. First name of your significant other/crush:
It's suppose to be Cheri... Haha
11. The town in which you live:
It's Christchurch...
12. Your screen name/nickname:
Ethnoic Acid... (Incase u don't know)
13. Your first job:
14. Your dream job:
Pharmacist... Eating too much... Bleh...Failing Examinations... Haha...
17. The one thing you’d like to do before you die:
Live Life to the fullest
Friday, July 18, 2008

Isn't it great? My hair finally grew past my eyes!!! Haha, I say that's an achievement... Ok, I cheated, but so what? It still does grow pass my eyes... And I gotta say i look horrible in that pic, CAUSE I forgot to shave and my hair's gone woolly, gotta go get a haircut...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Crisis Core

Oooh, Clockwise from left: Cloud, Zack, Sephiroth and Aerith

Mutated Genesis

Angeal, Sephiroth, Genesis: Three best friends